Thank you to everybody who recently took part of the Stoke Golding traffic perceptions survey. It has taken a while longer than we hoped to publish the results and because of the issue around the solar farm we have deferred meeting the Parish Council until 9th Jan 2013. We will report the outcome of this meeting in a future blog post. But on to the results of the survey ...
A random sample
of Stoke Golding residents were asked whether they strongly agreed, agreed, were neutral , disagreed or strongly disagreed with the following statements:
1. I
support the vision for Stoke Golding
2. Traffic volume is an issue within the village
3. Traffic speed is an issue within the village
4. I
support the introduction of a 20 mph
speed limit throughout the village
Our Vision
We have a vision of people friendly streets which are attractive and where
young and old feel safe; where drivers behave responsibly and where people are
happy to walk and cycle. We want our streets to be alive and vibrant where
people can live and socialise.
We had a
fantastic response. 150 households were surveyed and we achieved returns from
124 households (83% response rate) and 209 residents. Statistically this
ensures that the results are representative of all residents plus or minus 5%. We would like to thank
residents for taking the time to complete the survey and for both their written
and verbal comments.
The results are compelling. The graph opposite shows
the count of how residents responded to each statement. The standout is how
strongly residents identified speed as an issue and supported both the vision
and the introduction of 20 mph limits. There is still significant concern over
traffic volume, but this is clearly considered a lesser issue than speed.
The counts were translated into agree, neutral and disagree percentages and are shown in the table below.
1. Vision
2. Volume
3. Speed
4. 20 mph
So the
residents of Stoke Golding have had their say and have told us loud and clear
that speed is a significant issue and they want vehicles to drive more slowly, specifically
at no more than 20 mph. We must respond to that mandate. Specifically we intend to push forward for the introduction of a village wide "sign only" 20 mph limit. The next step is to get the support of the Parish Council.
Watch this space for developments ...
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