On this page you will find a wealth of references to supporting material. All links open in a new window.
Associated Organisations
Livingstreets a national charity whose aims are pretty much the same as ours. Lots of information on the website. They also have child organisations in specific areas - e.g. http://southwarklivingstreets.org.uk/
20s plenty a campaingning group for 20mph limits where people live and play. Lots of information on 20mph policy and practice.
Sustrans - sustainable transport and cycling charity. Of particular interest is their DIY Streets offering (see further link below). Their Free Range Kids campaign also looks to implement 20mph limits and safe routes to school
Sustrans DIY Streets - lots really good resources for designing and implementing liveable streets. There are further links here to resources on other sites.
Manual for Streets - Dft published guidance for designing streets. Manual for Streets 2 now available which extends the concepts to more complex situations. Manual for Streets 2 needs to be purchased.
Traffic in Villages - a Toolkit for Communities . Hosted on Hamilton-Baillie website who are noted people first street designers, this publication has provides a toolkit for communities design people centred streets.
Tactical Urbanism American guerilla street reclaim tactics - gives some food for thought
Creative Communities Australian site. Has some useful facilitation tools
Leicestershire Local Travel Plan - generally referred to as "LPT3". There is also an implementation plan which shows where money is actually going to be allocated
Leicestershire Big Society Grant Leicestershire County Council has setup a ‘Big Society’ Grant Fund for organisations/projects who are able to develop ideas and initiatives which will help to deliver the Big Society at a local level. Expected to reopen for applications end May 2012