The Overview and Scrutiny role is designed to support the work of the Council by providing for members:-
- to review and scrutinise decisions taken by the Executive;
- to consider aspects of the performance of the Council;
- to assist in research, policy review and development;
- to provide a means of involving the community in the Council’s work;
- to involve itself with external organisations operating in the County to ensure that the interests of local people are enhanced by collaborative working.
Note the points about policy review and community involvement. There is a clear case that the council has failed to adapt its policy on speed limits following the government guidance issued at the beginning of 2013 in Dft Circular 2013/01 . See previous blog here
There is evidence that other local authorities have formally revised their speed limit policies (or are in the process of doing so) and have consulted tyhe public on these policies. Here is an example in Hertfordshire .
We are raising the issue of speed limit policy with the Leicestershire County Council with the Environment and Transport Overview and Scrutiny Committee which covers this function. We are joining forces with Woodhouse Eaves who also want to implement 20mph limits. Their local County Councillor has agreed to raise the issue on our behalf.