Saturday, 22 June 2013

Barwell SUE update

The Barwell SUE has been granted outline planning permission which included access and highway arrangements. Part of the submission was a late analysis by Highways which predicted data flows through the village using their LLITM model.

Unfortunately their report did not contain readable traffic flow volumes so I subsequently asked for this information which they supplied in tabular form. I superimposed this data onto a local map (see below) together with the actual flows (in green) that we recorded when we audited traffic in the village in February 2013. There are two sets of predicted data flows from the LLITM model
"with mitigation" this means the (yet unspecified) changes to the main road network. i.e. the Rouges Lane, A47 and A5 junctions
"unmitigated" this means without changes to the main highway network

Highways conclusion is that there will be very little additional traffic along the rural network, hence they see no need to consider local rural mitigation. We have to first convince them that the model is wrong and / or convince them that there are not viable solutions to the Rogues Lane and A47 junctions.

There has subsequently been a meeting of the joint parish councils to discuss the issue of Barwell SUE traffic. At this meeting Ivan Ould (County Councillor) was tasked to talk to Highways. Ivan is currently trying to set up this meeting.

Saturday, 1 June 2013

Stoke Golding Traffic Audit - Feb 2013

A very long time in posting, but way back in February the residents of Stoke Golding carried out an audit of traffic during the morning rush hour. The object of the exercise was to form a baseline of traffic flow volumes in and out of the village. It was felt this baseline would be useful in identifying changes in traffic patterns over time with the planned Barwell Sustainable extension very much in mind. The full report is here 

The diagram below is a useful summary showing the peak hourly traffic flows

As expected most of the traffic is entering along Hinckley Road with a peak flow of 220 vehicles per hour. 

In total there were 714 movements out and 466 movements in across the 2 hour monitoring period. This suggests there are just 248 local vehicles leaving the village which seems much lower than expected for 750 houses.